If you are a motivated and engaged APCO Commercial Member and want to help make the Association even better, we encourage you to become involved in the CAC. Nominations will be accepted through June 17, 2024.

Service on the CAC is a four-year term, and each year nominations and elections are held to fill open positions.

Not sure if it’s right for you?  The Associate Membership option,  a non-voting, one-year term, provides a taste of CAC membership without the four year commitment.

Nomination Process

To nominate yourself or another, complete the nomination form below or email the following information to cacnominations@apcointl.org.

  • Your name and contact information (phone, email, and USPS mail address)
  • The name of your company AND the name of any parent company. CAC rules require that only two members of any company or subsidiary may serve on the CAC at any given time.
  • Your APCO membership number and the APCO chapter(s) in which you hold membership.
  • A general description of your interest in serving on the CAC and how your participation would help broaden or strengthen the CAC.
  • A letter from your local chapter recommending you for service on the CAC. (optional)

You may also nominate yourself at the CAC Annual Meeting at the APCO Annual Conference & Expo.

CAC Nominations Form

  • Describe your interest in serving on the CAC and how your participation would help broaden or strengthen the committee.


The Nominations Committee will review the background, industry segment and geographical area of the nominees and recommend a slate of nominees to the CAC by July 5, 2024. The Council will vote on nominees at the annual CAC Meeting, August 7, 2024, in Orlando.