
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Given the department’s broad vision to “ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards,” APCO is a strong partner with a number of offices and agencies within the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
    APCO frequently interacts and partners with this office, which is charged with improving emergency communications capabilities at all levels of government.
  • Office for Interoperability and Compatibility(OIC)
    APCO often works with OIC in its role of supporting the science and technology that enables emergency communications and facilitates the seamless exchange of information to protect property and save lives.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    FEMA’s mission to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards is consistent with the mission of APCO members, and as a result we coordinate frequently with FEMA.
    APCO is an active member of SAFECOM, which is a body managed by the DHS Office of Emergency Communications that collaborates with emergency responders and policymakers across all levels of government to improve multi-jurisdictional and intergovernmental communications interoperability.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. Accordingly, APCO has a strong and extensive relationship with the FCC, including in APCO’s capacity as an FCC-certified frequency coordinator, and as a frequent contributor to the development of rules and regulations directly impacting public safety communications, including 9-1-1 services.

  • Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB)
    As the sub-unit of the FCC with the primary responsibility for public safety communications, APCO has a long history of working closely with Bureau staff, to support its mission to strengthen public safety and emergency response capabilities.

Department of Justice

Given the mission of the Department, including to “ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic,” APCO frequently works with various components of the Department, including efforts to advance public safety communications technologies.

  • National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
    APCO collaborates with the National Institute of Justice — the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice — in order to improve interoperable communications tools to reduce crime and promote justice, particularly at the state and local levels.

Department of Commerce

The U.S. Department of Commerce has many roles of importance to APCO, including with respect to FirstNet and the National 9-1-1 Office. Accordingly, APCO maintains ties with the Department and its components to support these important functions.

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    NIST is one of the nation’s oldest physical science laboratories, and conducts significant science research related to public safety communications. APCO has a close working relationship with NIST, particularly through the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program. Recently, APCO and NIST have collaborated on identifying public safety security requirements for mobile apps.
  • National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA)
    As the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues, APCO has a strong working relationship with NTIA, including with respect to the agency’s responsibilities regarding the state and local implementation grant program for FirstNet, and its function as a co-leader of the National 9-1-1 Office.
  • First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)
    APCO was a leading advocate for the passage of the legislation that created FirstNet, which is responsible for implementing a single, nationwide, interoperable, public safety broadband network. FirstNet leaders are frequent speakers at APCO events, and APCO and FirstNet entered into a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on public safety apps.

Department of Transportation

The Department’s mission to ensure a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system has a number of parallels to public safety. APCO works with the Department particularly concerning 9-1-1 networks.

  • National 911 Office
    APCO frequently works with the National 911 Office in carrying out its mission to provide federal leadership and coordination in supporting and promoting optimal 911 services under DOT’s National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

APCO has at times served as a resource to OSTP in carrying out its mission to provide the President and his senior staff with accurate, relevant, and timely scientific and technical advice, including on matters of public safety and homeland security. In addition, APCO works with OSTP in connection with its efforts to coordinate the collection and distribution of open government data, including data related to public safety, and drive new innovations from the use of this data.

Non-Governmental Organizations:

APWA – American Public Works Association
APCO worked with the APWA, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

CALEA – Commission of the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies
APCO develops coursework consistent with the CALEA accreditation programs to facilitate agency implementation of a body of standards, developed by public safety practitioners, covering a wide range of communications center practices deemed to further professional excellence.

CSG – Council of State Governments
APCO worked with the CSG, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

CTIA – Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
APCO works with CTIA, which represents the wireless industry, on items of mutual interest, such as communications reliability and 9-1-1 services.

NG9-1-1 Institute
APCO holds a permanent seat on the Institute’s Board as a show of solidarity with the Congressional NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus to promote deployment of advanced and effective Next Generation (NG) 9-1-1 services throughout the nation.

IACP – International Association of Chiefs of Police
APCO collaborates with IACP on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

IAFC – International Association of Fire Chiefs
APCO collaborates with IAFC on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

ICERT – Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies
APCO works with iCERT on emergency communications, including public policy issues impacting 9-1-1 and the emergency response system.

ICMA – International City/County Management Association
APCO worked with ICMA, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

IJIS – Integrated Justice Information System
APCO has collaborated with IJIS for several years on the improvement of automated information exchanges between communications centers and first responders in order to improve the protection and safety of both citizens and first responders.

MCC – Major Cities Chiefs Association
APCO collaborates with MCC on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

MCSA – Major County Sheriffs’ Association
APCO collaborates with MCSA on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

MFCA – Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association
APCO collaborates with MFCA on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

NACo – National Association of Counties
APCO worked with NACo, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

NASCIO – National Association of State Chief Information Officers
APCO collaborates with NASCIO on issues of mutual interest regarding the transition of public safety communications to IP-based technologies.

NASEMSO – National Association of State Emergency Medical Service Officials
APCO collaborates with NASEMSO on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

NASTD – National Association of State Technology Directors
APCO works with NASTD on standards development activities related to Project 25.  

NCMEC – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
APCO works with NCMEC to develop best practices and standards for handling reports of missing, abducted, and exploited children.

NCSL – National Conference of State Legislatures
APCO worked with NCSL, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

NEMA – National Emergency Management Association
APCO worked with NEMA, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

NENA – National Emergency Number Association
APCO works with NENA on 9-1-1 issues of common interest.

NGA – National Governor’s Association
APCO worked with NGA, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

NLC – National League of Cities
APCO worked with NLC, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.

NLETS – National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
APCO interfaces with NLETS as a partner of CSAA in providing a uniform method to deliver ANSI standard alarm exchange messages to a public safety dispatch center via ASAP.

NPSTC – National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
APCO is an active member organization of NPSTC, which is a federation of organizations that develops and makes recommendations to appropriate governmental bodies regarding public safety communications issues and policies that promote greater interoperability and cooperation between local, state, tribal, and federal agencies.

NRPC – National Regional Planning Council
APCO supports NRPC on 700 MHz and 800 MHz regional planning.

NSA – National Sheriffs’ Association
APCO collaborates with NSA on public safety communications issues of mutual interest, and both are members of the Public Safety Alliance.

TIA – Telecommunications Industry Association
APCO works with TIA on standards development activities related to Project 25.

TMA – The Monitoring Association
At the request of TMA, APCO facilitated the development of an ANSI standard for an Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP), which is the next generation computer-aided dispatch system for the processing of information from alarm monitoring stations needing emergency dispatch.

USCM – United States Conference of Mayors
APCO worked with USCM, which supported prior efforts to secure the D Block (FirstNet) legislation.