Emergency Communications Center (ECC) Awards

APCO International presents awards to public safety communications personnel who have demonstrated the highest levels of personal and professional conduct and performance in the line of duty.

Nominations close on April 1, 2025.

Technology Leadership Awards

This award is designed to recognize centers in (2) categories for their use of technological advancements and the demonstrated benefit received to their employees and the citizens they serve.

Nominations close on April 1, 2025.

9-1-1 Impact Awards

The 9-1-1 Impact Awards provide a unique opportunity to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to public safety communications while celebrating the collective achievements of our community.

Life Members

Life Membership is APCO’s highest membership honor. The following APCO Members have made a significant contribution APCO’s objectives at the national level. These Life Members have either served a full term as President of APCO International or have maintained membership for 15 or more years and contributed at least five major accomplishments to the betterment of the association.

Senior Members

Senior Members have been APCO members for 10 or more years, made five significant contributions to APCO, including one at the Association level, and are members in good standing at the time of the award. The Executive Committee approves Senior Membership following a nomination and recommendation process.

Awards of Distinction

APCO International’s Board of Directors have the privilege to bestow four awards of distinction to members who have performed outstanding service to the organization.

Teammates in Action

Teammates in Action recognizes the everyday work of thousands upon thousands of public safety telecommunicators across the globe. Rather than award a body of work, this program recognizes an act or action during a singular incident.

Walk of Heroes

Located on the APCO Headquarters property in Daytona Beach, Florida, APCO’s Walk of Heroes is made up of custom-engraved bricks that pay tribute to individuals, groups, events and companies that have a special place in the heart of the APCO community.

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

Held the second week of April every year, National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week is a national recognition of public safety telecommunicators.