APCO Seeks Comments on the Reaffirmation of the Standard for Establishing Minimum Training Standards for TTY/TDD Use in the Communications Center

Alexandria, VA – The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International has filed a project with ANSI to reaffirm and re-designate the APCO/NENA Standard for TTY/TDD Use in the Communications Center.

The current standard APCO/NENA ANS 3.105.2-2015 Minimum Training Standard for TTY/TDD Use in the Communications Center can be found on the APCO Standards for Download webpage.

“APCO is a premier public safety communications standards-setting body,” said Tracey Hilburn, President of APCO International. “Reaffirming and revising existing standards ensures compliance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and affirms that standards are up to date and accurate.”

Candidate ANS APCO Minimum Training Standard for TTY/TDD Use in the Communications Center is open for public review and comments until March 16, 2020.