Alarm Industry and Law Enforcement Partnership Ready for Upgrade

By Frank G. Fernandez

Burglar alarms stand as a frontline defense mechanism against unauthorized intrusions into homes. Beyond the immediate protection they afford to individual properties, burglar alarms play a crucial role in aiding law enforcement agencies in their mission to prevent burglaries and ensure community safety.

Today, the alarm industry with advanced analytics has become the top safety partner for law enforcement agencies. Protecting homes while people are away or protecting their business while the owner is off duty is paramount to law enforcement leaders across the country. Prior to the advancement of technology through artificial intelligence and machine learning, all alarm activations were responded to by alarm monitoring centers without any technical validation vetting processes. This led to a strain on police resources and a reduction in the priority of alarm activation responses. Many cities have decided not to respond to alarm calls. The lack of understanding of the advances in alarm services has resulted in ill-informed decision making and a reduction of services to residents by police.

Today, police departments are struggling to sustain personnel and have stretched their personnel resources to a breaking point. The alarm industry is now providing a validated method to assist with technology in the preservation of safety nationwide. Analytics are reducing the number of alarm response calls and increasing situational awareness to enable alarm responses at the right place, at the right time with the appropriate resources for the situation. There is no better time than now for police to actively engage with alarm service providers to expand service.

I have been in the policing profession for over three decades, and I can attest that the alarm industry has been the top safety force multiplier assisting police departments in reducing crime and increasing apprehensions. More than ever, it is imperative that police departments collaborate with the alarm services. They are now in a position to be an even better partner due to the advancements in technology that provide greater detailed awareness of each alarm activation, reducing the number of alarm calls to a police department. In the past, numerous false activations have come by way of customers who are unaware of the password to deactivate the system. Today technological advances have led to an exponential reduction in false alarms. This opens the operational capacity for police departments to receive validated alarms, allowing for precision deployment of the appropriate resources to protect residents.

Law enforcement implements a patrol-driven strategy to intercept a criminal before a burglary occurs. The odds of catching a burglar are extremely low, and the national investigative clearance rate is 13%. Prevention and investigation provide limited home and business protection. For that reason, security alarms are vital keys to law enforcement, as they provide constant vigilance and an immediate alert to the officers on patrol.

A collaboration between Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Responses (PPVAR) and an alarm validation process known as AVS-01 (Alarm Validation Score) deploys smart technology to distinguish the difference between an alarm that is a direct threat to a person or property from those that have no indication of a viable threat. This is accomplished by trained operators and enhanced with advanced technology to provide greater awareness to the responding officer and allows an emergency communications center (ECC) to prioritize the call and dispatch the appropriate resources, including additional officers, K-9, drones, helicopters and any other personnel needed. This is a game changer for ECCs as they would typically have to wait until the first officer arrives to then request additional resources.

It is for this reason that many alarm monitoring companies have made a nationwide commitment to operate under the AVS-01 model. It should be noted that AVS-01 does not cost the police department or its customers anything and does not require additional training. It is simply a process that is quickly understood by public safety telecommunicators by way of a process flow sheet and allows for a seamless transmission of the call details for prioritization. This is a win-win for everyone involved in public safety. The significance of the AVS-01 process and security alarms cannot be overstated. Alarms serve as a deterrent to potential intruders by creating a visible presence and safety barrier of protection around homes and businesses. The mere presence of an alarm system often dissuades criminals from targeting a property, knowing that any attempt to breach the premises will trigger a response. Today, with AVS-01 that capability is a compounding threat to a criminal. Moreover, modern alarm systems are equipped with advanced features, such as motion sensors, door and window sensors, and surveillance cameras, further enhancing the capabilities and their effectiveness in detecting and deterring intruders.

One of the key ways in which burglar alarms assist police departments is through prompt notification of unauthorized entry. Some alarm monitoring companies that utilize AVS-01 are able to fully integrate AI and machine learning into the police notification process to increase the safety barrier for customers and provide alarm information clarity to the responding officer. When an alarm is triggered, AVS-01 kicks in as a validation process. The alarm is then quickly assessed by the monitoring centers, many using AI and machine learning, and is categorized. The alarm monitoring center then transmits the validated alarm level with details to the relevant ECC. This validated rapid communication allows law enforcement officers to respond swiftly to the scene with the appropriate resources, increasing the likelihood of apprehending the perpetrators and preventing further criminal activity.

Burglar alarms play a vital role in safeguarding homes and businesses and strengthening communities. By deterring intruders, facilitating rapid police response, providing situational awareness for officer safety and valuable evidence for investigation, these systems contribute to the prevention and resolution of burglaries. As part of a comprehensive approach, it is imperative that law enforcement agencies have a strong and consistent level of communication and collaboration with alarm providers. Alarm services are now a highly valued partner for law enforcement agencies, and it requires commitment on both sides to enhance our collective mission of protecting homes and businesses.

Frank G. Fernandez is Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Responses (PPVAR) vice president and president of Blueprints 4 Safety (B4S) Strategies Group LLC, a security and risk assessment consulting group. He is retired Deputy Chief of Police & Chief of Operations for the Miami Police Department.