Answer The Call to Be Your Best Self Every Day

Monday, August 7, 2022 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Jill A. Plush & Ron L. Plus, Co-Founders, Kyle Plush Answer The Call Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio

The parents of Kyle Plush turned the story of their son’s tragedy into a teaching moment in this session. The facts of the case were outlined in sobering detail, with accompanying audio files of Kyle’s desperate pleas for help. Somehow, his parents managed to display extreme grace and genuine appreciation for our profession and the life-saving work we perform every day, while firmly and gently reminding everyone in the room that we have an obligation to the people we serve to be our best self every day.

They then shared positive stories of success – examples of our peers out being their best selves and having positive outcomes. These examples share the common theme of simply taking the extra step, performing with due diligence, and holding themselves and others accountable.

“You are special,” reminds Jill. Her message is clear – not everyone can do the job – and when you no longer have the passion or will to be your best self, we have a choice to make: reignite our purpose and drive or find something else that brings us joy. Life is too short and we must seize the day!

At the end of the session, there weren’t many questions and the room was quiet with deep reflection. This session was a gut punch for anyone who has ever let themselves slip into complacency and a refreshing reminder that we do make a difference to people’s lives each and every day.

By Christine Massengale