APCO Announces Final Approval of Two National Standards for Public Safety Communications Common Status Codes for Data Exchange and ECC Service Capability Rating Scale

Alexandria, Va. – The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International received final approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on January 30, 2020, for two American National Standards (ANS).

APCO/NENA ANS 1.103.3-2020 Emergency Communications Center (ECC) Service Capability Rating Scale has been revised and APCO 1.116.2-2020 Public Safety Communications Common Status Codes has been reaffirmed. Both standards can be found on the APCO Standards for Download webpage.

“APCO is a premier public safety communications standards-setting body. Reaffirming and revising existing standards ensures compliance with the American National Standards Institute and ensures that standards are up to date and accurate,” said Tracey Hilburn, President of APCO International.