APCO Files a Project Initiation and Seeks Work Group Members to Create a Standard for Career Progression Within the Emergency Communication Center

Alexandria, VA – The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International has issued a call for participation for work group members to participate in the creation of an ANSI standard addressing emergency communications career progression.

This standard will provide guidance to emergency communication centers (ECCs) of all types and sizes about opportunities for employee advancement or promotional levels. It will recognize the changing roles within ECCs and emphasize the need to effectively manage resources, accounting for situational analysis and critical decision-making responsibilities.

“Emergency communications centers are evolving and will experience changes in job functions, organizational span of control and training,” said Margie Moulin, APCO International President. “This standard will establish best practices for employee development.”

APCO is looking for a well-balanced group that will include contributions from training, technical and operational subject matter experts. The time and day that the work group will meet is yet to be established. It is anticipated that the group will meet via conference calls twice monthly for the duration of this project.  Calls typically last no more than one hour per session.

Interested persons should complete the online application and indicate their preference for this work group. The deadline is December 6, 2020. Selections will be made within two weeks of the deadline and all applicants will be notified of their status.