APCO Forms New ECC Staffing Taskforce

President’s Channel

APCO committed to helping find solutions to current staffing challenges faced by emergency communications centers (ECCs) by bringing together public safety professionals, state and local government leaders, and private industry at the 9-1-1 Staffing Crisis Summit in May. The more than 260 participants at the Summit were overwhelmingly enthusiastic about our efforts to address staffing issues and encouraged APCO to continue to support ECCs by seeking innovative ideas and solutions to this critical issue.

In furtherance of APCO’s leadership on this important issue, I am happy to announce the creation of the ECC Staffing Taskforce to study and make recommendations on effective recruiting, hiring, training and retention of public safety telecommunicators in both current ECCs and in the Next Generation 9-1-1 environment. Over the next 18-24 months, the taskforce will examine and implement ideas and lessons learned from the Staffing Crisis Summit and expand on the work and recommendations made in the APCO Project 43 report on Broadband Implications for the PSAP published in 2017 and APCO’s Definitive Guide to Next Generation 9-1-1 published last year. Additionally, the taskforce will study the impact of existing, evolving and emerging challenges to building and maintaining an effective, sustainable, professional workforce in the ECC and make recommendations to help ECC leaders anticipate and overcome those challenges. Finally, honoring the experience and dedication of current communications professionals, the taskforce will identify ways today’s public safety telecommunicators can develop the skills and aptitude they need to be successful in the next generation ECC, helping them become more professionally resilient.

Are you an innovative thinker who is interested in being part of the solution? We are accepting applications for volunteers now through July 27. Participation in the task force is open to members in any membership category. Volunteer today!