Can You Really Change a 30-Year-Old Culture?

Monday, August 5 |  3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Kimberly A. Miller, Ph.D.; Jennifer Hern, CMCP San Jose Police Department; Vivian C. Gonzalez, BA, POST Certified Academy Intermediate Instructor, San Jose Police Department

In this much-needed session, Kimberly Miller, Ph.D., led the discussion of culture in the emergency communication center (ECC). The audience interaction was excellent, hitting the truths about what is happening in our workplace. The culture in most ECCs is less than desirable. This is a factor in whether people stay or find other employment.

The session covered common issues in the ECC.  Jennifer Hern, Manager of the San Jose ECC and Vivian Gonzalez Assistant Manager of the San Jose ECC shared multiple aspects in their journey of changing a 30-year-old culture. There was no holding back on struggles and lessons learned in this journey. Going from “eating our young” to a positive workplace can be difficult.

There were several key points brought up. The changes must include the leadership. Supervisors must all agree and not only hold line staff accountable but also be held accountable by management. “Action is uncomfortable. They are happy with this dysfunction,” To make change we must step out of the comfort zone.  One more thing that jumped out was “Stop expecting you from other people.”  Do not wait to make things happen. Do it now. There will be trials and missteps; keep going. Change can be slow.

The point of the session was that although it’s a difficult task that will constantly need attention and work, it is possible to change the culture in an ECC.

Submitted by Sherry Glick