GIS for Public Safety: Emerging Technologies and Solutions for 2022

Monday, August 8 | 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Mike King, Director of Emergency Communications and Fraud, ESRI

GIS mapping systems can visualize data and spatial relationships to help solve and prevent crime, make infrastructure maintenance more efficient and crack the problem of establishing the location of information inside buildings with multiple floors, said Mike King, director of emergency communications and fraud.

King demonstrated the visualization of “ghost images in your community” that translate z-axis information into locations inside buildings.

“In the city of San Diego we’ve been taking z-axis data, wrapping it around the building and say at least that person is between the third and fifth floor in the northwest corner,” King said

King noted that information can be attached to points on streets to indicate, for example, where salt should be spread to prevent accidents during wintery conditions.

He also demonstrated how police can prepare for a VIP visitor by noting where snipers could target travel routes. Warnings of a bomb in a building or a chemical spill would immediately map a recommended evacuation radius. “All of a sudden it starts to bring together a lot of information in a real usable way.”

ESRI is at Booth 746 in the APCO 2022 exhibition call.

By Richard Goldstein