Monday, August 5 | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Zachary Dykes, RPL; Trae Maeder, RPL, ENP
In this captivating session, Zachary Dykes, RPL (Missouri Chapter) and Trae Maeder, RPL, ENP (Florida Chapter) shared their experiences with getting involved beyond the console. Both presenters serve on APCO committees and on their Chapter Boards.
This session highlights the impact YOU can have on the industry through your own engagement and the power of networking with peers across the nation. All it takes is a little courage and the willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.
APCO has many amazing opportunities for you to get involved on the state and national levels. Whether through committee service, continuing education, submitting an article to the PSC Magazine. pursuing your RPL or CPE designations, or simply interacting with other professionals on PSConnect, how you engage the industry is entirely up to you!
Submitted by Zachary Dykes, RPL