President’s Channel: COVID-19

The APCO Executive Committee would like to extend to each of you our thoughts and prayers during this trying time. It is astonishing how this pandemic has disrupted the normalcy of life, not just professionally but also personally. Who would have ever imagined we would be faced with such an unprecedented catastrophic event that would bring economic shutdown, social distancing and place our citizens and ourselves in fear for our health and lives. As this virus has quickly inundated the country forcing response actions that we never dreamed of, just know your Executive Committee has been right there on the front line with you.

I would like to share some initiatives that have been put into motion and convey that there has been nothing more important than to stabilize APCO operations so that we can support you, our membership through these difficult times. First, a plan to secure technical services was administered while protecting the health and welfare of staff as well as looking for ways to provide you with meaningful information to help deal with this event. As this has heightened over the last two weeks our Executive Director has remained vigilant in maintaining a degree of normalcy for APCO operations so that staff is available to assist members at any time as requested or needed. APCO staff have diligently worked to support our membership by coordinating webinars affording assistance to ECCs. A web page has been devoted to COVID-19 along with a PSConnect discussion board. GRO staff remain steadfast working with Capitol Hill as potential legislation develops that can and will affect the future of 9-1-1.

While the focus for most is on COVID-19, the world is still in motion, lending to the importance of maintaining a degree of normal during these extraordinary circumstances. Internal discussions were conducted regarding the continuance of conference Flash Day, remaining with deadlines for submittals, along with continued committee work.  These decisions to continue were not made lightly with all aspects of pro’s and con’s considered while examining the whole. We remain optimistic that APCO 2020 will occur in August, we recognize due to the existing circumstances, there is a small chance for cancellation and have added a statement to registration advising that if cancellation happened, registrants would receive a total refund.  As for deadline reminders, even though we are in a crazy period of chaos and right now it is hard to fathom getting back to normal, we must remain confident that we will overcome it.

On behalf of the Executive Committee and APCO International, we express our sincere appreciation of your dedication, professionalism and commitment. We encourage each of you to remain strong and positive while remaining safe as we work to combat this epidemic.

Best wishes for safety and good health!