Silent Key: John W. Moyers

John W. Moyers, 60, of Knoxville, Tennessee, passed away on Nov. 10. John worked for the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Communications for 20 years as a Radio Communications Technician (October 1994 – September 2014). In 2015, John left TEMA for the Tennessee Department of Health and served as its radios system analyst. John was instrumental in the TEMA radio system upgrade from low band to high band and TMAC in the 90’s.

Teammates say he was one of the most knowledgeable radio communications technicians they have ever known, and his knowledge about Motorola Quantar Repeaters was incredible. John was also the APCO, frequency coordinator for Tennessee and assisted TEMA Communications with licensing and frequency coordination. He served as a net controller for the Tennessee HF Phone Net and was very active in amateur radio. John was an amateur radio operator, call sign N4QEA, and his knowledge and contribution to public safety radio and amateur radio will missed by his associates and colleagues.

John was preceded in death by his mother, Elizabeth Ann Arp. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Lee Moyers; son, Cody Lee Moyers; father, William Clifford Moyers and brother, William Scott Moyers.

Memories of John can be conveyed here to his family and friends.