Silent Key: William A. Cade Jr.

William A.  Cade Jr. passed away Aug. 10 at the age of 75 in Bell, Florida, after a career in public safety communications and law enforcement. The long-time APCO member, former APCO staff member and former executive council representative from Missouri served as chief deputy of the Lincoln County (Maine) Sheriff’s Office where he created emergency plans for the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power plant and coordinated construction of a law enforcement center comprised of a jail and emergency communications center, according to the Lincoln County News. Law enforcement, fire services and EMS formed a one-stop ECC, the newspaper said.

After the sheriff’s office, Cade was named Maine’s first chief of court security. He created court security for each location, training for officers and he administered security statewide, the newspaper reported.

In Jasper County, Missouri, Cade served as 9-1-1 director where he set up an emergency control center, the newspaper said. After this job he consulted with local and state governments to bring emergency services up to date, the newspaper said.

Cade also served as a member of the president’s 9-1-1 committee, whose goal was to implement national guidelines to take technological advances into account, the newspaper said.

Cade’s full obituary is here.