Unicorns of 9-1-1: How We Achieved and Have Maintained Staffing in Today’s World

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 | 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Gena Baker, ENP, Supervisor; Garfield County Emergency Communication Authority

As the chairs filled up, the audience members waited eagerly to hear the biggest secret in the industry right now, How did this agency get fully staffed and keep it that way? The presenter, Gena Baker, started the class by describing the state of dismay her center was in when she started her career. This was followed with a brief overview of the structure and culture they maintain today. One of the most liked features she described was the wall when you first walk into their communications center. There are five posters with their values typed in big bold font. The values are teamwork, integrity, excellence, community and service. These values were decided upon as a team. The poster background is all the words that the communication center team used to describe what the values meant. It is a creative and outward approach to keeping values at the center of performance. The presenter continued by breaking down the agency’s operational platform. She shared each detail from the advertising and hiring to the training and retention.

During the advertising and hiring process, the Garfield County Emergency Communications Center uses several unique and creative approaches. The center allows sit-alongs in dispatch during the advertising piece, but requires it as part of the hiring process. The center also does home visits. During the home visit, the center manager and a supervisor reach out to the potential employee’s family to share the visions of their center and the requirements of the job, while also allowing the family to ask any questions. A few other tactics they employ during the hiring process are using third party testing such as CritiCall and Wonderlic. The interview board is composed of not only administration but also a Certified Training Officer. There is even a role play segment.

Once a new employee is brought on board the center goes above and beyond to make them feel appreciated and welcomed. The agency hangs a welcome banner on their locker, presents them with a binder featuring a cover page with the new employee’s likes and interests. The employee is greeted by administration, completes paperwork, and is then pumped up to meet their trainer. Training goals are reasonable and as the speaker stated “training can not feel like a college degree”. The trainee is supported throughout the program and immersed into the positive and encouraging culture of the communications center. But the training doesn’t stop there! Garfield County ECC provides constant ongoing training as well as quality assurance. They work to identify potential problems before they begin. The center has an enticing rewards system for good behavior as well as excellent call taking. The employees strive to do their best work every day and hold each other accountable.

Gena Baker not only showed off her sparkling personality, but also a center that has been built around the standards on which our industry strives. She left the audience feeling empowered to make changes and inspired to be the difference.

By Kelly Chame