What Is ASAP?
The Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) is a national service that is the next generation for the processing of information from alarm monitoring stations needing emergency dispatch.
Launched in 2011 as a public-private partnership, ASAP is designed to increase the efficiency and reliability of emergency electronic signals from monitoring companies to emergency communications centers. ASAP uses ANSI standard protocols developed cooperatively by APCO International and The Monitoring Association. Using the ASAP service, critical information about life safety events is delivered digitally directly to the CAD system in seconds through the Nlets nationwide public-safety network. The use of data communications ensures that complete and accurate information is transmitted to the ECC every time.

The ASAP Standard
Connected ECCs and Alarm Companies
A growing list of CAD platforms have ASAP interfaces and the number of ECCs of all sizes gaining benefit from the ASAP service is steadily growing. The alarm monitoring industry is committed to ASAP, with local, regional and national monitoring companies connected to the service. Seamless deployment is realized through the use of standardized technology and an experienced ASAP technical team.