Read, review and comment on candidate industry standards.

Each candidate standard is open for public review and comment. In this way, all who are directly and materially affected by a standard under development can have a voice in the ANS process. All comments will be addressed by the standards working group.

How to Comment

When there are candidate standards, you will see a link below that you can use to comment on them.

Standards Currently Available for Comment

  • Candidate ANS 1.124.1-202X Supplemental Emergency Responder Recommendations
    Review and comment

If you have questions or wish to submit comments by email, please contact [email protected].

When submitting comments by email, be sure that you include the below information related to your comment(s):

First and last name
Email address
Phone number
Name of candidate standard
Page number
Section number
Line number
Proposed resolution

Please continue to check this page for further updates. If you are aware of any current standards activities that may impact public safety communications, please email information to [email protected].

Questions and Suggestions?

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need for specific standards, please submit them for APCO’s review to [email protected] or call the Standards Program Manager at (386) 681-8719.