Eleven agencies recently received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International.
Agencies Receive APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Four agencies recently received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International:
Murfreesboro Emergency Communications Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Murfreesboro Emergency Communications, Tennessee has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, NC, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Kenora Central Ambulance Communications Centre Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Kenora Central Ambulance Communications Centre, Ontario, Canada, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
CenCom E9-1-1 Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
CenCom E9-1-1, IL, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Springdale Communications Center Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Springdale Communications Center, AR, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
New River Valley Emergency Communications Regional Authority Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
New River Valley Emergency Communications Regional Authority, VA, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Southwest Central Dispatch Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Southwest Central Dispatch, IL, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Madison County Sheriff’s Office Communications Receives APCO Agency Training Program Certification
Alexandria, VA – Madison County Sheriff’s Office Communications, AL, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International. Public safety agencies use the APCO International Agency Training Program Certification as a formal mechanism to ensure their training programs meet APCO American National Standards (ANS). Initial […]