On August 7, during APCO’s Annual Conference, Chief Counsel, Jeff Cohen, provided the following report on APCO’s advocacy efforts at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Comments: Secure Internet Routing
APCO International’s Public Safety Communications Priorities for the New Year
The following is a list of our advocacy priorities for the coming year. Despite much progress and several wins that APCO members should be proud of since we announced our 2021 legislative and regulatory priorities, there is still significant work to be done for public safety communications.
Comments: Resilient Networks
Reply Comments: 9-1-1 Outage Notifications
Comments: 9-1-1 Outage Notifications (NPRM)
Resilient Communications: Current Challenges and Future Advancements
Testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications.President Terry Hall